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Health Content

RNwaturi ensures the health information written meets the needs of the customers while upholding the brand messages and values. Customers remain motivated to do business with the organization when they are informed, engaged and empowered.

RNwaturi has broad experience as a staff nurse in the intensive care unit, case management and utilization review for a leading private insurance organization before transitioning to freelance writing and independent nurse provider.

The health information is supported by evidence through critically appraised research and enriched by experience as an insider in the health care industry.

Get in touch
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Health content services

The satisfaction of the client is always my goal. Let's talk If you need something written and it's not listed below. Click the get in touch button and we shall come up with a solution. Are you searching for a ghost writer? Look no further! I respond to all enquiries within 24 hours.

Custom treatment pages:

Looking to provide your patients with up to date information on their conditions and treatment options? I research, stay updated and write the content in a way that upholds your specific branding messages. Your clients will know they are part of an organization that honors their individuality and not feel like statistics in research data.

Medical condition description pages:

The name of a diagnosis or a medical condition is understood in context. RNwaturi describes the medical condition in consideration to the contextual background and the social dynamic factors that affect and inform the clientele.

Consumer health articles, health brochures, patient instructions and education:

Your health provider - adjacent business will see increased business when related health content is expertly written in a manner that is clear, systematic and addressing the specific barrier or question that the user may be experiencing. A client will return if their quest was addressed on first engagement.

News letter and emails:

Today, more than ever, companies need to stay on top of the latest innovations and trends in healthcare. I closely follow the changes rendered by the much globalization, rapid changes, pandemics and other global health issues and will incorporate this into your news letters and the other mediums that your company uses to keep clients connected in this era of heavy reliance on technology for information. I look forward to hearing from you on how we can collaborate to get your health content where and when your clients need it. You can get in touch by completing the contact form. I will often respond to your submission within 24 hours.

Blog content creation:

Would you like relevant, succinct blogs written regularly and on your time? That's what I do! I'll keep your readers looking forward to the next blog.

About us

Mary Waturi Kiriaku earned a bachelors in biochemistry from the university of Nairobi, Kenya. She changed her career path to nursing after relocating to the USA and earned a masters in nursing. Currently residing in California from where she writes health content as a freelancer while providing nursing care to medically fragile infants and children in foster as an independent contractor with the California Department of Health Care Services.

New challenges call for new solutions. Government organizations, health care systems, communities, families and individuals are continually rethinking solutions to common and uncommon health issues in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic.

RNwaturi has remained engaged with most current research and evidence-based recommendations for best practices during and after COVID-19. Organizations continue to adopt to new care delivery models including telehealth while focused on providing health content that is relevant and in tune with the online consumer. Partnering with RNwaturi will ensure your organization remains engaged with the clients and maximize on the opportunities. Improved health outcomes, an empowered clientele, and reduced cost of care are some of the benefits of access and use of health information delivered in a manner that makes sense to the user.

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Meet the Writer

I have spent several years working as a nurse case manager providing health education to patients on how to change health behavior to prevent long term complications and reduce cost of care for their chronic diseases. Improved health, more empowered clientele, reduced cost of care are a few of the benefits of access and utilization of health information delivered in ways that make sense to the user.

I graduated from Emory School of nursing in Georgia in 2004. I worked in the Neonatal ICU at Emory University Hospital neonatal ICU (NICU) which provided the opportunity to horn clinical skills and Interact with highly respected nurses, neonatologists and researchers. Often times infants are discharged from NICU to continue growing but many continue to battle chronic conditions such as broncho pulmonary disease (BPD) a chronic pulmonary condition that is a very common issue with infants born prematurely.

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I specialize in health content related to:

  • Chronic care for the pediatric patient
  • High risk children in the foster care system
  • Parent education and support
  • Durable medical equipment for infants and children
  • Bonding and social determinants of health.
Waturi Johnson RN Writer


The Call

That Call…

I write b2b and b2c health content in the office and provide private duty nursing care for medically fragile infants in foster care in my home. Here is the story of one of our Angels and a glimpse at my work as a Independent nurse provider. The call from the special medical placement social worker almost always starts the same way, "Hi Mary, there is a baby that might be a good match for your family…. would you like to hear more?" ... [ Read →]

Racial disparities

COVID-19 racial and ethnic health disparities

Preparedness and response interventions towards COVID-19 have been the goals of most individuals, governments, families and health care stake holders in the last about 2 years since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. Slowing the transmission and protecting communities require the participation of every member of every community to take action... [ Read →]

Oral eversion

Oral eversion

Conversations around feeding a baby are common parts of anticipating the introduction of a new baby into a family be it through birth, adoption, foster care or otherwise. There are discussions about bottle versus breast, breast milk storage, formula brands, mixing instructions and feeding schedules. There is something immensely satisfying in feeding a baby to contentment ... [ Read →]

RN Writer

Let's collaborate to get your health content where and when your clients need it! To contact me, complete the contact form below. I'll respond in 24 hours.
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